Throughout centuries, nudity has been a real object of desire but at the same time the biggest victim of censorship. Butts were clearly not an exception. For many, showing it is even a shame, a part of the body you must hide. In a way, social media has given the opportunity to fight this body shaming. For art or for fun, we can easily expose easily our bodies to the rest of the world. But beware of haters !
How did Cheeky exploits start ?
I started Cheeky Exploits as a joke / just being silly in a field with my husband while on a picnic one day. I think we might have been skinny dipping at the time – unsurprisingly I find myself naked quite a lot! ;). A friend had shown me a page that was similar of a single guy who traveled around taking pictures of his butt so I thought it was fun and would try a new twist on it by doing it with friends whenever we were together. It was also just quite a funny thing to try to get away with when we were in public !
How can you explain the success ?
It went viral after I took some photos on the South Coast in Devon and tagged a major landmark. A local paper picked it up and I think they thought I was just travelling around the coast doing this – but then bigger papers picked it up after that and it went from there. Even before it went viral though I got to about 10,000 followers naturally and I think people just enjoyed the freeness of it – the inclusiveness and the ‘cheekiness’ of it. I did try to put an artful eye into the curation of it and only posted photos that were not just about the butt but about the surroundings – and no butts were off limit – big, small, round, skinny, any color, you name it, I wanted it! The only pics I ignored were ones that were overtly sexual or just poor quality.
Do you think we are all exhibitionists ?
I honestly do not understand why nudity is still taboo! It’s literally the most natural thing in the world and I hate that people are made to feel shame or guilt for being in their birthday suit! Personally I think people need to chill out and stop being so uptight and easily offended!
You love traveling. Were your cheeky exploits like postcards ?
Cheeky exploits absolutely became a keepsake postcard from all of my travels! It was always a priority that I got a cheeky shot everywhere I went! It was never something that dominated a holiday or anything like that but it was always fun when I got somewhere and immediately spotted the perfect ‘cheeky’ location!
Was it natural or sometimes well organized to find the perfect spot ?
Most of the time the cheeky pics were spur of the moment because out of nowhere I saw a perfect location to insert a butt. There were some times at parties where I managed to convince some random people to do group photos which I would swiftly organise but there was never any major planning involved.
You have received a lot of cheeky exploits photos from all over the world. What did you surprise the most with all of these cheeky challenges ?
The biggest surprise for me when receiving photos was when people would write to me saying that they had been planning a photo for weeks and had made it a priority to make one for me while they were traveling. I couldn’t believe how passionate others were about it! It was amazing!
Is France a great location for cheeky exploits ?
France est très bonne pour les exploits cheeky! I have taken many photos there! TF1 came to London and shot a segment on me that once re-aired the week after I attended a wedding in France and the bride and groom got loads of messages saying they had seen ‘the crazy American’ from the wedding getting naked on TV afterwards.
Comment est né Cheeky exploits ?
Lors de fêtes, j’arrive à convaincre certaines personnes de participer à des photos de groupe. À ce moment-là, j’organise un peu.
« France est très bonne pour les exploits cheeky » [en français dans le texte]. J’ai pris beaucoup de photos là-bas. La chaîne de télévision TF1 est venue à Londres et a réalisé un reportage sur Cheeky exploits. Une semaine avant, j’avais été invitée à un mariage en France. Suite à la diffusion du reportage, la mariée et le marié ont reçu plein de messages les informant que “l’Américaine folle” du mariage était passée nue à la télé.
La pandémie a-t-elle tué le fun ?
Clairement non. Lors du premier confinement à Londres, j’ai même profité pour prendre quelques photos qui, en temps normal, n’auraient pas pu se faire. J’ai pensé refaire Cheeky exploits mais depuis, de nombreux comptes ont piqué l’idée, le nom et les photos. Par conséquent, je ne vois plus l’intérêt de me remettre sur Cheeky exploits. Pour moi, ce fut une petite page de ma vie qui a duré un certain temps. J’y ai gardé beaucoup de souvenirs, de photos et d’e-mails mais Cheeky exploits ne reviendra pas.